Working with Away3D 4.1.6, I am seeing some weird issues with render that seem to be timing related. I am building the scene, which consists entirely of SegmentSets, and then calling render on the next frame. This is what I get:
This is what it is supposed to look like:
I got that second one by calling render a second time on the next consecutive frame. This strategy works most of the time, but not always. I can also sometimes get an improvement via callLater, which seems to me does about the same thing.
I am making no other Away3D calls differently. In addition, I am using two layers of Away3D views and a staged3DProxy. The one on the bottom holds the grid, the one on the top is the one that’s being messed with by these apparent timing issues.
Any ideas of what to try or test for?
BTW, the image shows the toolpath of a CNC machine that’s going to cut a bas relief of a chess knight, just in case you were curious. There’s about 10,000 segments in I think 4 SegmentSets.