AwayExtensions - Maya : New Maya Exporter Delivery Date ?

Software: Other

bcowart, Newbie
Posted: 23 May 2014 10:19 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hi There,

I am an engineer at a game development company, and I have been assigned to the 3D art production team.

For one or more games, they need to export/convert their models to Away3D format.

The art team primarily uses Maya 2014 for production. They would like their work flow to be as smooth as possible and would like to be able to export their models to the Away3D format directly from Maya.

The currently available Away3D plugin for Maya does not seem to work for us and appears to be out of date.

The ReadMe file for the AwayExtensions - Maya project
( )
The Maya exporter plug-in is currently not under development anymore.
The AWDExporter is a Maya-exporter-plugin developed with pure python. It is currently under development, and will be available soon.

I would like to know if there is an expected delivery date is for the new plugin.

If its on indefinite hold, I need to find alternatives.

Also, can the AwayBuilder or Prefab3D tool be called from the command line for converting 3d models ? Is there a way to support batch converting to the Away3D format ?

Your suggestions are appreciated.
Look forward to hearing back from the Away3D team and the community.







John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 23 May 2014 12:43 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 1 ]

The one posted here by koga works in 2013 Windows. Been using it since posted. Not sure about 2014.
Its not the full awd spec and will only export lambert textured materials.
Bone animations works fine.

As for when.
Well put it this way its been coming soon for over two years from different devs.
Theres currently 1 guy doing all the importers for Max Maya Cinema in his spare time and I think hes had a bit more fun than needed with Maya smile But getting closer.

Not sure on command line for Prefab/Awaybuilder. Think I tried once and answer was no.



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