ObjectContainer3D rotate() issue with 4.1

Software: Away3D 4.x

Ludovic, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 May 2014 07:59 PM   Total Posts: 31

Hi I am using rotate() function on an ObjectContainer3D as below.
In v3.6 that was rotating the ObjectContainer3D using local x,y,z axis.
In v4.1 two of the axis seem to behave as local axis (x,y) but one of the axis (z) seem to behave as a global axis?

Any idea what is going on?
Has the rotate() behavior changed from 3.6 to 4.1?

if (...) rotate(Vector3D.Y_AXIS, -YAW_STEP * dt);
if (...) rotate(Vector3D.Y_AXIS, YAW_STEP * dt);
if (...) rotate(Vector3D.X_AXIS, PITCH_STEP * dt);
if (...) rotate(Vector3D.X_AXIS, -PITCH_STEP * dt);
if (...) rotate(Vector3D.Z_AXIS, ROLL_STEP * dt);
if (...) rotate(Vector3D.Z_AXIS, -ROLL_STEP * dt);

Thanks grin


Ludovic, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 May 2014 08:20 PM   Total Posts: 31   [ # 1 ]

Downgrading to v4.1.4 behaves as expected, so I suspect there is a breaking change on the rotation() method (Z axis only) of ObjectContainer3D. Are bug fix request managed primarily on Github?



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