Transparent png’s lights and cast shadows in Away3DLite

Software: Away3D Lite

eco_bach, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 October 2011 12:57 PM   Total Posts: 35

Can anyone tell me if transparent pngs will transmit light?
ie will they cast shadows respecting the outline of any opaque-image areas?


cindyb, Newbie
Posted: 19 November 2011 06:59 AM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 1 ]

I am also in need of casting shadows of planes textured with alpha .png bitmaps.  I’m using standard Away3D.  My experiments have resulted only in shadows of the entire plane, not the texture outline.  Any suggestions, or is this unsupported currently?


TheBard, Newbie
Posted: 18 April 2014 01:38 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 2 ]

I would also like to know if this is supported.  I need a .png of a shape with an alpha background to cast a shadow of the shape only.  At present I can only get a shadow of the full square.



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