I have a scene where I stack planes on top of each other (like postcards) on an XZ plane.
Each of these has a TextureMaterial with alphaBlending set to true. The textures are cutout images, so they contain transparent areas on the edges, and while they are by themselves opaque I must set alphaBlending to true.
The problem is simple: I want the top postcards (with higher Y coord value) to be rendered on top of the bottom postcards, with lower Y value. However, with the perspective camera tilted above them at about 40 degrees, I often get the opposite result.
As a side note, each postcard also has a XZ offset, and it looks like when the top cards are moved away from the camera, they get rendered on the bottom.
After going through forum posts about transparency sorting, I followed a suggestion to assign each card with a zOffset value (which is undocumanted). This had no effect at all. Even setting it to very high values did not affect the order of depth sort.
I am really at lost here. Is there any standard way of dealing with this?
I know openGL use to have polygonOffset for that, and Unity3D has an Orthographic sort mode to handle coplanar flat objects. Anything like that in Away3D maybe?