A couple of questions about AWD skeleton animations

Software: Away3D 4.x

Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 07 February 2014 06:26 PM   Total Posts: 344

Hi, I’m having a bit of an experiment with exporting an animated .dae from blender, importing that into prefab3D, and exporting as an AWD2, and then importing that into an away3d scene.

So far, I’ve successfully exported the .dae, and importing it into prefab3D I have the model (albeit rotated 90 along x), and the animation.

However, if I try to import this into away3D, by changing the filename in the ‘Intermediate_PolarBearAWDAnimation.as’ example, I get an error at

polarBearMesh.animator = skeletonAnimator;

[Fault] exception, information=TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

and if I try to trace (polarBearMesh.animator) I get the same error.

Sooo, I’m wondering what is different about my dae?

I notice that in prefab3D, the animation states IDs are ‘null’, whereas if I load the polar bear awd the states have IDs like walk etc…

If i comment out the
‘polarBearMesh.animator = skeletonAnimator;’
line, the dae imports fine.

Also, how does the forward and backwards motion work? With my imported dae I can rotate, but not move forwards or backwards, and I notice that if I disable the skeleton for the polar bear example, I have the same result. How does the skeleton animation dictate the direction of movement?



Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 07 February 2014 08:12 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 1 ]


as a quick test, I tried to load the polarBear.awd into prefab3D and re-export.

If I then use this re-exported version in the example, it does not animate. Actually, it does not even rotate.

Also, the materials are applied briefly, before being replaced with the default prefab black/white chequer pattern..



Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 25 February 2014 12:14 AM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 2 ]


Is anyone else able to import and export the polar bear from the example?



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 25 February 2014 10:01 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 3 ]

Make sure you have the “include animators” option selected when you export.
just tried into the public 2.143 and latest 2.170, all is fine on my side, import and export.



Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 March 2014 01:51 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 4 ]

Just had another quick try, and it is now working for me - I think I may have read the * annotation about vertex animators and assumed that the ‘Include Animators’ option was to do with vertex animation.

So, polar bear imported into prefab3d, and exported out again, and working, but I still can’t get my exported dae to export and work.



Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 March 2014 01:59 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 5 ]

Here’s the error I get:

[Fault] exceptioninformation=ArgumentErrorError #2008: Parameter vertexStreamFormat must be one of the accepted values. 

I’ve attached both the .dae and the exported awd2 - excuse the terrible model and the weird anim, it was just a quick test… smile


File Attachments
builderAWD2.rar  (File Size: 413KB - Downloads: 0)
builder.rar  (File Size: 213KB - Downloads: 0)

Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 March 2014 07:33 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 6 ]

Hmmm… Okay, so it seems that the problem was with the mesh having more than one material (and hence submeshes)

After removing those extra materials I now get another error,:

Error: root node name ‘null’ already exists in the set

which I believe is due to the fact that in the skeleton animatior window of the dae once imported into prefab3d shows two animations, both called ‘null’..

I tried to have a look through the collada file to see if I could see anything, but nothing jumped out, so not sure if there’s maybe a problem with the blender dae exporter..



Bolt, Newbie
Posted: 14 March 2014 09:52 PM   Total Posts: 17   [ # 7 ]
Mr Margaret Scratcher - 14 March 2014 01:59 PM

I’ve attached both the .dae and the exported awd2

Can’t download attachments from forum.  MSIE, Firefox don’t work.  Login, logout don’t work.



Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 27 March 2014 01:43 PM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 8 ]

Okay, so after importing another animated dae into blender, I found that that also had one animation which was called null. So… When I exported/imported the dae with 2 animations, they both came in called ‘null’, which caused errors in away3D.

So, is there a way to edit the animation names in prefab3D before export as AWD?

I had *some* success with exporting an md5 mesh and anim, in that I was able to import the mesh into prefab3d (where the various parts of the model where weirdly scaled, even though it was all one mesh?...), drag in the anim, and then export that as an AWD. When loaded into my away3d scene, the model looked even weirder still, which seems like the issue someone else was having to do with vertex weights.

The successful part was that my ‘null’ animation was definitely running and affecting the mesh..




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