Strange render bug on some computer looks like there is no light !

Software: Away3D 4.x

Slade, Newbie
Posted: 12 March 2014 08:51 PM   Total Posts: 5


I’m building a STL (STereoLithography model for 3D printer) viewer for a client. While developing the base render and stl parser it was working fine, and i tested a lot of computer (on browserstack) to ensure performance was good enough on windows and mac os x.

But my client got strange bugs, the scene looks like if there were no light at all !

It should looks like: online stl viewer
(you should be able to view a smart phone case mirrored).
- You can press ‘C’ to change the color
- You can press ‘O’ (letter) to browse for an stl file which will be rendered, both ascii and bin supported.

What my client sees: bugged viewerer
He made 4 screenshot of what it looks like when he “plays” with the model.

Does anybody have any idea of what could cause such a bug ?

I’ve joined a rar with the stl parser i’ve made and my main away3D scene

I’m really stuck right now because i’ve not been able to reproduce that bug :/ I’ve been trying like 30 different confgurations (both windows and mac). I would really appreciate any kind of help !

Thank you !

PS: Attachement seems bugged, i’ve uploaded the related file HERE


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 12 March 2014 09:33 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

From snapshot, i see 2 potential candidates, assuming its caused by the stl and that the parser is ok.
It can be inverted face winding causing the inversion of the normals, it can be a faulty stl header if you overwrite the 84 bytes reserved for it….

send me your zip/stl to fabrice3d at gmail dot com. So I could take a look. The zip that you posted fails to download for some reasons…


Slade, Newbie
Posted: 12 March 2014 09:55 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 2 ]

Indeed Fabrice attachement seems bugged, i’ve updated my post in case any one would like to check it out also.

I’ve sent you a mail with the project attached. Really appreciate your help !


Slade, Newbie
Posted: 13 March 2014 11:26 AM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 3 ]

Update on the issue, it looks like “enable hardware acceleration” in the flash settings dialog was the source of the problem.

With the option unchecked it looks fine, well not as fine as with hardware acceleration but at least it works.

Looks like the render mode auto has kinda failed to determine if hardware acceleration could be used or not :/

No i’ll try to detect that by myself and explicitly set the Context3DRenderMode to software or hardware.



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