I am trying to tween rotationX, Y & Z values of an object to match the direction in which it will be tweened to on the x,y,z.
For this I simply have a target and lookat cube.
1. Target becomes the target vector x,y,z
2. I set the lookat cube to the starting position
3. I set the lookat cube to look at the target vector
4. I then tween the spaceship’s rotationX,Y & Z vallues to match that of the lookat cube.
However it has some interesting results (6mb so please be patient for loading): http://www.allforthecode.co.uk/dev/away3d/random_lookat/
What would be the best way to do this so that I can optimise the lookat tween without it doing a complete 360 or seasaw effect from time to time?
Also I’ve noticed the skybox flickers, hold left mouse button down and drag around slowly you will notice triangles / huge black gaps appearing randomly (no special coding on the SkyBox or BitmapCubeTexture).