In a project that has both Away3D and starling, I have this weird problem:
I would like to get mouse selection events for certain meshes. I followed the samples and added listeners to the mesh and set the mouseEnabled to true.
I only get the events for mouse_over and mouse_out, but can’t get the click, mouse_up or mouse_down.
I checked the stage, and was able to get flash click events from it.
My code:
var cube:Mesh = new Mesh( new CubeGeometry(500, 200, 500), new ColorMaterial( 0xCCCCee ) );
cube.mouseEnabled = true;
cube.mouseChildren = true;
cube.addEventListener(MouseEvent3D.MOUSE_UP, onClick); // Not working!!
cube.addEventListener(MouseEvent3D.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); // Works fine
Any ideas on that?