If you do not know the indice how do you expect to tell the engine which face to delete? Looking at your model and say “delete the ugly face that I’m looking at right now” will certainly not work :D
That you use the helper or your own code, you still have the same problem:
when you add a face, its composed of 3 indices, each one good for 3 coordinates x,y,z and 2 uvs. I will not even take in account normals, tangents etc.. this data, is stored in buffers, at least 2. in compactgeometry case, you have an indices buffer and a data buffer holding all your data or the “classic” geometry holding one buffer per type of data. The classic is more friendly for vertex manipulation. Both geometries have subgeometries. It is basically an extra same class holding more information over the mesh than couldn’t fit in the first subgeometry, or because you use another material. Because of gpu requirements and the way stage3D works, the data has to be ordered this way…
If you do work on a mesh with a single material, aprox 20k or lower faces, you will probably work only into subgeometry 0 (the first one)
So you actually say with the helper.removeFace method: remove in my mesh, in the first subgeometry, the xx face. Keep in mind that if you do keep track of your faces, that you need to update your indices after each time you do alter the mesh. Because indices are reindexed after each update. If you are familair with as3 in general, its like removing a child at a certain indice. The numChildren is updated each time, and you have to take care that your child indice is actually the one you want.
‘is FaceHelper the best solution for my goal’
In case you go for own code, there are also some nice neurone killers that you need take in account, like shared indices, empty buffers, too big buffers, normal update (if you work a with a cube, you do not want it renders weirdly if lighted, which is one of the reason why the cube primitive has more data in there than one would expect) and many other fun cases!
Looking at some of the helper’s methods and in some other classes generating geometries, you should get a better idea about the way data that is organized in order to manipulate it.
You will be able to delete and get the mesh with one face less only and only if you update everything propperly, otherwize Away will either throw a nice error at you or simply refuse to render anything!