Some newbie questions :)

Software: Away3D 4.x

hw2002, Newbie
Posted: 16 August 2011 06:45 AM   Total Posts: 6

Hello to everyone here,

and thanks for the 3d engine beast :D

I’m paying 3d artist to create backgammon models like (board, dices, and chips/checkers).

Question one:
The question now lies on how he export the models from 3dmax, should he export them as Collada files? or should he use another file type? is any type better then the other, or maybe easier then the other filetype? does all the filetypes give the same results?


Next question is:
Example the dice have 6 values on the different faces and I need to know which face it sits on (1,2,3,4,5 or 6) etc.


Last question:
Why can’t I download any version of away3d for flash player 10? or does away3d 4.0 also support the old flash player 10 and 11?


Thanks for any answer or link to any tutorial or blog to find the answers smile



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 16 August 2011 04:47 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

If no animation needs to be exported, and you only need to export mesh/geometry and possibly materials I would suggest you use 3DS, which is a fairly compact, binary format that supports what you need.

Make sure you know which face (numbered) is which and then check their normals in scene space. The one with the largest (normalized) y value will be the one facing up (or at least “more upward” than any of the others.)

If you want to use Flash Player 10, pull/download from the GitHub repository called away3d-core-fp10.

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