issue with DelaunayMesh

Software: Away3D 4.x

martiniDave, Newbie
Posted: 15 October 2013 08:57 PM   Total Posts: 9

I am trying to make a plane in the shape of a pie wedge and am having trouble with reliability. Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong.
I have included an illustration of the issue.
A is an example of the plotted points.
B is how it comes out sometimes.
C is how it comes out sometimes but is undesirable.

If there is a better alternative to DelaunayMesh or I am in error, any assistance would be appreciated.

Here is my code:

private function makeCharts():void{
var counter:Number = 0; 
for(i=0;i> 0){
    pieChart3d.makePieCharts(piePlaneY, annualEventArray[j].start1,annualEventArray[j].end1, counter);
    var panelPPts = new Vector.<Vector3D>;
    for(q=0;q< segWidthNum + 1; ++q){
  pieSegArray[q].AX = Math.sin(pointProgresser)*(adjustedRadius);
  pieSegArray[q].AY = piePlane;
  pieSegArray[q].AZ = Math.cos(pointProgresser)*(adjustedRadius);
  pointProgresser += POINT_WIDTH;
pieSegArray[segWidthNum + 1]=[];
pieSegArray[segWidthNum + 1].AX = 0;
pieSegArray[segWidthNum + 1].AY = piePlane;
pieSegArray[segWidthNum + 1].AZ = 0; 





martiniDave, Newbie
Posted: 15 October 2013 09:09 PM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 1 ]

Sorry about duplicate post, the other one lacks the errors of this one


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 16 October 2013 03:14 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 2 ]

Use LatheExtrude for piecharts.

Look in older engine demo repos, I’ve posted som test class with a chart. Don’t recall which one :(



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