Optimizing texture rendering

Software: Away3D 4.x

andreahmed, Member
Posted: 15 October 2013 01:51 PM   Total Posts: 62

Hi All,

I have about 180 textures, each is 128*128, of course there are 180 textures call that are set, each frame, and when changing the material to other shader material, the FPS drops.

In normal cases the CPU usage is 20% and the FPS is ~ 20->30FPS.
I have profiled the application using adobe scout, and most calls are spent in the view.render.

How would one optimize that?


nehvaleem, Newbie
Posted: 15 October 2013 02:55 PM   Total Posts: 4   [ # 1 ]

maybe try using spritesheet as it is in starling? I belive that something moved on in this matter since newest version of away… check it out, sort of blind shot



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