Drawing 3D-tiles the most optimized way.

Software: Away3D 4.x

AJirenius, Moderator
Posted: 20 September 2013 12:43 PM   Total Posts: 5

So I’m creating a letter/word game where I put lots of lettertiles on a grid.

I want to (of course) optimise this as much as possible and reuse the geometry and materials but really don’t know which approach I should take.

I’m creating this simple geometry of a box (letter tiles) and want to reuse it. Still the problem is that I also want to use the same big texture so I have created all the letters on a big image and thought about just changing the UV-coords to show the correct letter on the tile.

Now I guess this will break the idea of reusing the same geometry, right? (as the UV-is a part of the geometry).

Would you suggest me any other better way to have a lot of letter-tiles rendered on the screen at the same time.

Oh! One more thing. The Tiles are “bobbing” on waterwaves so I cannot just batch them all together in one big geometry (which would be my first solution otherwise). I need to control their position and rotation for each frame.

Am i on the right track? should I do it any other way?




dottob, Jr. Member
Posted: 20 September 2013 02:08 PM   Total Posts: 49   [ # 1 ]

If there is a project sketch,maybe will help someone who maybe has a good idea to achieve what your want?

Hope this will be useful to you:

Merging 1000 cubes ... then using the cubes individually

Good luck



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