FPS capped?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 01 August 2013 04:25 PM   Total Posts: 29

Hi everyone smile

Has anybody noticed how the stage3D fps is somehow capped, and that different computer will stop at different frame rates?

This is not a hardware performance issue (no matter how many instanced of my 3D flash I launch, the frame rate does not drop, so it’s not a matter of having saturated the GPU pipelines).

On my development computer, 3D stage FPS gets capped at about 60.
On my production computer (although it’s lower end, it is well beyond what’s needed for this particular task), the 3D stage FPS can’t go over 30.

As I said, it does so no matter how many movies I launch (one, five or ten).

Anybody had this issue?

My development computer is a XEON with Nvidia Quadro 2000.
My production computer is a generic consumer Intel cpu with an Nvidia Quadro 600.


cyberix3d, Jr. Member
Posted: 13 August 2013 05:52 PM   Total Posts: 34   [ # 1 ]

stage.frameRate = xxx;


Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 13 August 2013 06:09 PM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 2 ]

Ehmm probably I didn’t explain myself: I setup a test SWF with multiple settings and noticed that while on my workstation the stage3D FPS is capped at about 60 even if I set the stage (2D) above it (which makes sense wherever you aren’t going stereoscopic), on the production machine the stage3D is capped at about 30FPS, regardless of the movie framerate (I’ve tried everything from 30 to 100FPS).


Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 19 September 2013 11:54 AM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 3 ]

OK I still haven’t figured out why and how this happens. My guess is that GPU framerate is managed at a much lower level, inaccessible to the AS3 code.

On my development machine, my SWF played in the standalone Flash Player (11.4 and 11.8): with stage.frameRate @ 30, the 3D viewport renders at 31. On the same machine, the same SWF loaded into an AIR application (running AIR 3.9 beta), I get 21 FPS on the 3D viewport (always 30 on the 2D stage).

On my production machine, the same SWF, loaded in the same AIR app (running AIR 3.7 release), I get wild jerky 3D viewport framerates… if I push the 2D stage.frameRate to 66, I get consistent 62-65 FPS in AwayStats, but with drops to 21 FPS every 1”, for about two frames. Now I will have to profile the SWF and see where that comes from, but I already think it’s a stage3D method that I can’t do anything about.

So in the end… does anybody know of a way to influence the management of 3D viewport FPS?


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 19 September 2013 01:00 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 4 ]

Stage3D is capped at 60fps.
if your getting drops/ lower frame rates, your trying to do too much.


Ascanio, Newbie
Posted: 19 September 2013 01:20 PM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 5 ]

I’m sorry to say, with all respect, in my experience, what you said is wrong.

1) In THEORY, stage3D is capped at 60fps, since someone said there is no need for more (which is arguable but beyond the scope of this thread).
With AwayStats, or any simple timer subtraction, I can often see spikes at 100fps on stage3D. And I am getting stable 66fps.

2) I am not overloading neither the GPU nor the CPU. In fact I can launch 6 instances of the SWF, all windows fully exposed and at full framerate, and get results that are consistent with a single instance opened. BTW I am on a single Intel Xeon with two cores. So each core is powering at least 3 of the SWF instances.

3) By profiling the SWF I verified that I’m using under 60% of my time budget at 60fps (which is within the lower 16ms per frame).

So the question remains: if it is NOT a hardware performance issue, and it is not an issue with the footprint of the scripts, why on earth do I get my stage3D fps capped at 20 or 30fps, and why does the stage3D fps vary so wildly, braking synch with the 2D stage and making motions jiggery?



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