Loading Collada Online?

Software: Away3D 3.x

dmen, Newbie
Posted: 12 August 2011 02:49 PM   Total Posts: 11

Have a demo wrapped up - works great locally, but is giving a 404 on the Collada .dae file when placed on my server. The .dae is in the same folder as swf… I’m thinking I must need to use something other than Collada.load when online?


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 12 August 2011 03:05 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 1 ]

If you are sure its not the wrong path. Its probably the server doesnt like the .dae extension

Rename your collada.dae to collada.xml
Remember to also rename the load Url


dmen, Newbie
Posted: 12 August 2011 03:24 PM   Total Posts: 11   [ # 2 ]

Ah, MIME type. Sure enough. Renaming as XML did the trick, thanks.



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