How to bring Regular Movieclip to Back View3d

Software: Away3D 4.x

AerialZ, Newbie
Posted: 03 August 2013 01:01 PM   Total Posts: 2

sry i’m new in away3d.

when i addchild new movie clip it’s set to top depth.

I need bring that Regular Movieclip to Back View3d.

So please help me out .

thank you and sry for my bad english.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 03 August 2013 08:39 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

You can’t. Stage3d is always behind the displaylist.
If you want to place something “behind” your 3d objects, you have to put it inside the 3d scenery, using for instance Sprite3D or a PlaneGeometry mesh.

The player has basically 3 layers: stage video, stage3d and the classic displaylist. In this order.
Go to Adobe’s website if you want to learn more about the FlashPlayer 11.x.



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