Away4.0 on IOS and Android freezing when updating skybox texture

Software: Away3D 4.x

Daniel Taylor, Newbie
Posted: 17 July 2013 04:46 AM   Total Posts: 3


I have been working on an Away4.0 on mobile project and its been going really well. Performance is very good, touch is very repsonsive. There is only one problem that I have not been able to solve, and it relates to the textures on SkyBox.

When a user navigates our application, occasionally, they change scene, and new images get loaded from a server to update the skybox.

The images get applied when all 6 are loaded.
The next render call causes the app to freeze for 2-5 seconds.

I would like anyones opinion on why updating the skybox texture would cause the app to freeze, and what I could do to avoid it.

My theory is that the 6x512 square images all have mipmaps created, and its the process of uploading these to the GPU buffer that is causing the freeze. The same code runs in the browser without a hitch.

Any thoughts much appreciated,
Daniel Taylor


sargon, Member
Posted: 30 July 2013 02:36 PM   Total Posts: 51   [ # 1 ]

Hi I am working on Ios app too and discovered that atf textures make huge differences in performance, render and load to gpu. If you aren’t using them then you should smile


Daniel Taylor, Newbie
Posted: 30 July 2013 04:45 PM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 2 ]

Thanks, I appreciate that. We create our textures in a server-side process, and I believe we could integrate the ATF compiler process.

I actually found the bottleneck to be related to a bitmap snapshot i was creating just before switching textures. I found that the following code was very expensive on both IOS and Android.


I will look into ATF textures,
many thanks



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