Smoothing a mesh?

Software: Away3D 4.x

sentoplene, Newbie
Posted: 16 July 2013 02:14 PM   Total Posts: 25


The sculpting of the mesh is working great now, and I would like to make the result even more perfect… I’d like to make a smoothing option, to make all the angles between the vertices a little less blocky and a little more smoothly.

Is this possible?

I tried to look at the Weld Class’ smooth option… but I don’t really get it. When I use USE_VERTEXNORMALS, it won’t do anything, and when I use USE_FACENORMALS, it will ‘update?’ the facenormals and show the light better? But I do get phong-breaks. Is there a way of not getting the phong-breaks?


80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 17 July 2013 06:02 PM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 1 ]


The weld is calculating the angles between verts that are on the same position.

if the angle is below the choosen _normalThreshold, the weld will merge the normals.

there is a option (keepUV) that decides if the verts still will be merged if the have different uvs or not. set it to false if you do not plan to texture the object.

there is a option (smoothNormals) that decides if normals of points that share positions, but not beeing merged, should be merged. for the sculpting you should have this set to true, as it will take care, that verts on uv-seams have the same normals…

USE_VERTEXNORMALS and USE_FACENORMALS decides which normals are used for the calculation of the angle between verts. you should USE_FACENORMALS. But the normals of the face are not changed by the welding, the weld only modifiys vertexNormals.

PhongBreaks are the hardEdges that are getting rendered between unconnected triangles. (points share the same position but different VertexNormals)
i dont know if PhongBreak is the correct term for this, but its called this way in C4D, so i use it here to smile

Hope that makes sense


sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…


sentoplene, Newbie
Posted: 18 July 2013 09:06 AM   Total Posts: 25   [ # 2 ]

thanks… I will look into Weld again…

But from my first testings, the amount of vertices increased a lot… But things make more sense now… thanks again for the explanation!



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