Problems porting old project to 4.1.1 beta

Software: Away3D 4.x

mole, Newbie
Posted: 18 June 2013 03:36 PM   Total Posts: 29

I’m trying to port a project that is using an old version of Away 3D. I’m not really sure what version exactly, can’t seem to find that info in the code :s

I’m running into quite a few problems:
I have an object that is made out of a nested structure of ObjectContainer3D’s and Planes. Each Object container can contain other object containers and/or Planes.
Rotating the containers would also rotate the planes inside that container. And that’s what failing right now. I don’t have a clue why.
Plane doesn’t exist anymore. So I replaced plane with a Mesh and injected a PlaneGeometry in it.
So, now I have an ObjectContainer3D that contains Meshes. I expect that if I rotate the container (for example: container.rotationX=50), that the Meshes inside that container also rotate, as working before. Or am I doing this completely wrong?

Please help wink


mole, Newbie
Posted: 19 June 2013 09:16 AM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 1 ]


This is becoming really strange.

I have a ObjectContainer3D that has another ObjectContainer3D as child.
Inside that second ObjectContainer3D I have a couple of meshes.
Now if I rotate the first ObjectContainer3D (by setting it’s rotationX property to a certain value), I expect it’s children, and the children of it’s children to also rotate in the world. This doensn’t happen. However, if I rotate the second ObjectContainer3D, the meshes DO rotate. So this looks like a bug to me.
If I use .rotate(Vector3D.X_AXIS, angle), it works, but then I have to keep track of the rotation because the value passed there is incremental.

So, is this a bug? or am I doing something wrong?


mole, Newbie
Posted: 19 June 2013 12:11 PM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 2 ]

Ok, so now I figured out that .rotateTo() works but setting .rotationX doesn’t.


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 19 June 2013 01:22 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 3 ]

rotationX should work and does.
You need to be a bit more clear what the issue is.
Post a SIMPLE example of the issue and the current branch/version of away3D your using.


Jadewin, Newbie
Posted: 06 July 2013 05:26 AM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 4 ]

Ok, so now I figured out that.

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