Away3D does not work, undefined property

Software: Away3D 4.x

Qbrain, Member
Posted: 04 August 2011 01:59 PM   Total Posts: 92

Hey There,

Sorry for the possibly noobish questions. I am new to Away3D and also kind of new to 3D developing. I am going to use Away3D for a special project the next 6 months, so I will be a regular visitor wink.

Anyway, I tried like a day to get the whole thing working.. but it simply does not work.

For your info: I have the flash player 11 beta installed. Downloaded the latest src from GitHub, as well as the latest examples.
I put the library files into the config lib directory and the source is in the same directory as the class files/folders. (So this should be set up the correct way right?)

The errors while compiling are (I get them multiple times):

Access of possibly undefined property y through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage3D.
Access of possibly undefined property x through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage3D.
Access of possibly undefined property transparent through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage3D

The location of these errors is in

My question is simple: What am I doing wrong or am I missing something?

thanks in advance!!



David Lenaerts, Administrator
Posted: 05 August 2011 10:38 AM   Total Posts: 80   [ # 1 ]


Please make sure you’re using the latest playerglobal swc from the Flash Player 11 download page (and of course the latest player, but I’m assuming that’s already the case smile )



Qbrain, Member
Posted: 05 August 2011 12:35 PM   Total Posts: 92   [ # 2 ]

you were right. I accidently forgot to replace the playerglobal.swc from the incubator build to the new one… What a noobish mistake….

thx for the tip!



skitley, Newbie
Posted: 06 August 2011 01:09 AM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 3 ]

I have:

Away3D source from Git (as of yesterday)
Flash Player:
globalplayer.swc: _071311
SDK: 4.5.1
flex-config: -swf-version=13
All source directories pointed where they should as far as I can tell.

I get a similar error:

[Fault] exceptioninformation=ReferenceErrorError #1056: Cannot create property viewPort on flash.display.Stage3D. 

I double checked the away 3d source that i obtained too just to make sure, and found the correct fixes (.x and .y properties).

Dont suppose anyone can give me a pointer?


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 08 August 2011 08:48 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 4 ]

Same problem and specs as the previous post. An interesting note is that most away3d demos online on different websites gives similar errors.

Could it be because the incubator is now updated to 11.0 beta?

The “not so stupid” ducks used to work for me, but now I get a grey screen. (see attachment)


Stephen Hopkins, Sr. Member
Posted: 08 August 2011 09:41 PM   Total Posts: 110   [ # 5 ]

Yes, all of the incubator demos will not work with the flashplayer 11 beta because of the api change.



skitley, Newbie
Posted: 08 August 2011 11:57 PM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 6 ]


I managed to get it working yesterday after viewing the tutorial posted by Darcey (see announcements section). This might be a good resource for you to take a look at as well.

My problem was apparently not using wmode=“direct” in the template html file located in the sdk directory.

I’m using FlashDevelop, also, but got the same setup going on a trial of flash builder.


EFFalcon, Jr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 11:33 PM   Total Posts: 44   [ # 7 ]

I’ve run into the same issue now.

D:\Flash\A3D\away3d-away3d-core-fp11\src\away3d\core\managers\ col: 20 Error: Access of possibly undefined property transparent through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage3D.
return _stage3D.transparent;
D:\Flash\A3D\away3d-away3d-core-fp11\src\away3d\core\managers\ col: 13 Error: Access of possibly undefined property transparent through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage3D.
_stage3D.transparent = value;

Latest GIT.
Upgraded to BETA 2
got the latest playerglobal.swc

I’m using Flash Develop and have been using Beta 1 fine since its release


EFFalcon, Jr. Member
Posted: 11 August 2011 04:26 AM   Total Posts: 44   [ # 8 ]

thats whats so frustrating raspberry
i got the latest!



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