AbstractPrimitive in Away3D 3.6.0 not found

Software: Away3D 3.x

manno, Newbie
Posted: 26 June 2013 09:06 PM   Total Posts: 2

Hi all,

I have some old project which generates errors. Well, one:

Description Resource Path Location Type
1017: The definition of base class AbstractPrimitive was not found. Book.as /3DBook/src line 15 Flex Problem

The error is from a class which extends AbstractPrimitive. The AbstractPrimitive class is imported and there’s no complaints on that import line. I can even have FB import the class after I remove the import. The error from above however still shows up. Cmd-clicking on the class opens the file as it should (so: using source, not swc).

I know the project did once compile but on different SDK and FB versions. However, the original project gave the infamous _init not defined error. Cannot really find what A3D version it used.

Does anyone have any clue? Though I guess it may not be A3D related but more FB related I still post it here, just in case… :(

Away3D: 3.6.0
FB 4.6
Flex SDK: 4.6.0
AIR 3.4

Cannot use Flash player 11 on this one.

Kind regards,


manno, Newbie
Posted: 27 June 2013 01:49 PM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 1 ]

Never mind.

Freaked because I assumed I would only spend five min with this thing. Need a holiday…

Making sure the original code ended up in a clean new project fixed things…



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