Improvement of scene and model

Software: Away3D 4.x

ganesh, Member
Posted: 22 June 2013 02:15 PM   Total Posts: 54

I need some help from experts. Below is the link to actual file

Rang Ghar 3d

1. preloader is not working, I used FlashDevelop preloader template. I used the same preloader on another flash website that is working, but not here.

2. I could not configure the sky box properly, it is not looking perfect, it seems model is floating. Is not there any way to scale the skybox? I can change the perspective lens focus but it did produce the result I wanted.

3. I am using an awd2 model exported via prefab3d, and how can I add a loader for this model, now it is loading chunk by chunk

4. Please see the link and you will see the problems



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 22 June 2013 08:10 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

1 you cannot use classic loaders for away3d content

2 a skybox is an illusion, its purpose is to fake far away landscape where perpective is not considered. So no matter the size of the box, or if you would use a sphere, it will always in this case let your building “fly”.
the fix would be to add a plane with gras and ensure that the skybox or hemisphere for mountains and sky is seamless with the plane.

3 look at the many examples on tutorial section or on git examples repo.

4 You need (after seeing your example) to repeat the gras to let it fit the building scale, and ensure that the green/gras fits the skybox picts.


ganesh, Member
Posted: 23 June 2013 03:51 AM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 2 ]

Thanks admin I got the idea. One more help required, in any of the examples I think there is no loader, so, can you give some example how to make loader for this scene or any example link

many many thanks



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