scaling view for low resolution old school graphics

Software: Away3D 4.x

BusyPixes, Newbie
Posted: 12 June 2013 03:42 PM   Total Posts: 2

Hey guys,

I’m new to away3d and having a little problem.
I want to have bigger pixels in my view to pretend a lower screen resolution.
To realize this I thought about this:

_view.width stage.stageWidth 2;
_view.height stage.stageHeight 2;
_view.scaleX 2;
_view.scaleY 2

But it seems like scaleX and scaleY doesn’t do anything…

Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?
Is there another way to realize it?


I just found a way to do it… but it’s kind of dirty xD
I render the view to a bitmap and scale it this way… but it seems like I have to keep the view on stage… if i don’t add it as a child, i get a null reference error while rendering…
is there a way to use view.renderer.queueSnapshot without rendering it double to stage?


beers, Member
Posted: 12 June 2013 05:40 PM   Total Posts: 53   [ # 1 ]

pixelated low res like 320x240 you should rendertotexture your camera view and then display that texture as your main view at a scaled higher res with no bilinear filtering.

heres a link how to set something like that up.

If anyone else has a way to achieve the pixelated look - and i dont mean pixelated texture, i mean polygon edges should be pixelated too - i’d love to hear it



BusyPixes, Newbie
Posted: 12 June 2013 06:05 PM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 2 ]

thats what I did… but it only works if the view is on stage - underneath the bitmap…



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