Preformance, meshes, spritesheets and way of doing it in 3d

Software: Away3D 4.x

Matej, Jr. Member
Posted: 27 May 2013 02:06 PM   Total Posts: 38


I wanted to ask some general question here regarding performance.

Lets say I have two objects that I use, Obj1 and Obj2.

I want to have 60 instances of Obj1 and 15 instances of Obj2 separated into 5 different ObjContainers.

Comming from 2dworld where we use the spritesheet to prevent constant upload to graphic card I am now looking for best performance solution.

Each of Obj1 need to be able to have different image present, and the image needs to be changable.

Obj2 will have static images.

Since I will use this in conjunction with Starling, can you point me in the best direction of performance regarding reusing of Textures and geometries since now I am little confused?

The main question is can I use single ATF Texture and just two geometries and reuse those ones on all objects and how?



Matej, Jr. Member
Posted: 27 May 2013 02:43 PM   Total Posts: 38   [ # 1 ]

I guess I got the best way to do it.

Reuse the same Geometry and one ATF material and animate it with SpriteSheet Animator.




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