How can I use OutlinePass?

Software: Away3D 4.x

maricate, Jr. Member
Posted: 21 May 2013 12:43 AM   Total Posts: 36

I’ve been reading but did not understand how to use or apply.
What I need is a wireframe plan where I can control the alpha.
I could not control this through other methods.
I found this method OutlinePass, but could not apply it.
Could someone please give an example?

Thank you!


loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 21 May 2013 12:31 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 1 ]

you can use simple plan alpha and add some LineSegment

_line = new SegmentSet();
var lineSegment:LineSegment = new LineSegment(new Vector3D(), new Vector3D(), 0xFF0000, 0x330000, 1);

Outline is a methode for cartoon style

private var _outlineMethod:OutlineMethod;
_outlineMethod = new OutlineMethod(0x000000, 0.5, true, false);



maricate, Jr. Member
Posted: 21 May 2013 07:17 PM   Total Posts: 36   [ # 2 ]

Thanks loth!
I really did not know how to use the methods.
You can add more than one method in the same material?


maricate, Jr. Member
Posted: 21 May 2013 07:18 PM   Total Posts: 36   [ # 3 ]

Is there a way to control alpha using the linesegment?


loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 21 May 2013 07:22 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 4 ]

yes you can use many method on same material

for alpha i think is 0xff000000 colors
first ff is alpha so 0x55ff0000 is red alpha transparent


maricate, Jr. Member
Posted: 21 May 2013 07:24 PM   Total Posts: 36   [ # 5 ]

Thanks again! I will try this!



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