Multiple Materials on AWD2

Software: Away3D 4.x

Austen, Newbie
Posted: 06 April 2013 02:58 PM   Total Posts: 21

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on Maya 13, and the AWD exporter works just fine.
But when i combine 2 meshes (let’s say road and building) with different materials on it (roadtex and buildingtex) and import it to away3d, i have my road and building well combined, but using the same roadtex material.

Is there any way to use and export multiple materials with my combined mesh? I didn’t find any option in the exporter?

And by the way, could someone tell me what does the “embed texture” parameter in the exporter do exactly? My textures show up even if i don’t check this box.

Thanks for your lights ;)


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 06 April 2013 06:48 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

You cannot have multiple materials on one mesh using awd specs 2.0.
Only first occurence material is set on entire mesh.

Embed texture means for awd2 that all the diffuse maps will be included into the awd. No embed means that you will need to set your textures “by hand” in your project by either loading them or embedding them in your class.

If the diffuse map was embedded and you load the awd, the constructed meshes with the material will show your map with no additional code on your side.

Using Prefab, you could export your mesh if holds multiple materials if you set “collapse” on. You can also play around in there to see/understand the diffs in awd specs by simply exporting and releoading the awd export.


Austen, Newbie
Posted: 06 April 2013 10:15 PM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 2 ]

Thanks for your answer Fabrice ;

The thing i don’t get with “embed texture” in awd2 exporter is that, whenever i don’t check the box and embed my awd to my project, the texture is still there. I don’t need to load it or add anything special, the texture always seem to be embedded to my mesh.

I downloaded Prefab, it looks great, but i have 2 problems you may answer :
1- When i import awd files, the texture path is always broken and i have to relink it in the material window. Why does that happen? (but when importing the same file in away, the texture is found)
2- When i attempt to export my file in awd2, Prefab make a quick sound (not sure if it’s an error sound or a “ok” sound) but my file isn’t exported. There is no error message.

Thank you for your time, i could continue my code and import meshes one by one, but it would be much longer…


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 06 April 2013 10:32 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 3 ]

1: if the path is broken, you can read in the process log why. Probably the source isn’t at expected location or saved non relative.

2: this is an annoying issue, where AIR doesn’t let me check if the destination directory has the write permissions (so I can emit an alert).
I’m looking at a solution for it. Most of the time, this happends on machines with Win7 enterprise edition or when you try to save into a svn controled directory. Try save on desktop or any location where writes permissions are public.



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