, Sr. Member
Following is just a idea.
I don’t know this is the easiest way.
But you can.
At first, prepare 4 plane:
edgeMeshPosX = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(1, terrainZ, 1, terrainGridY,true), edgeMaterial);
edgeMeshNegX = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(1, terrainZ, 1, terrainGridY,true), edgeMaterial);
edgeMeshPosZ = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(terrainX, 1, terrainGridX, 1,true), edgeMaterial);
edgeMeshNegZ = new Mesh(new PlaneGeometry(terrainX, 1, terrainGridX, 1,true), edgeMaterial);
If you can get the vertices at the edge of terrain mesh,
copy values to the vertices of edge meshes (up side vertices).
Or you can get the value from terrain’s height map’s edge pixels.
This is an example of controlling vertices of Plane geometry.
You can learn from this, if you don’t know how to change vertices.
And you should edit UVs of the edge meshes.
That’s a next step:)