How to implement Line of Sight?

Software: Away3D 4.x

seeker, Newbie
Posted: 25 March 2013 08:05 PM   Total Posts: 7

I’ve got a 3D maze and a few objects scattered around in this maze. So I need to check if some particular object is visible by another, i.e doesn’t blocked by walls. I should probably use some raycast stuff? Any suggestions?
One important note: I merged the maze into a single mesh to reduce the number of draw calls, so now every object’s bounding box is located within the maze’s bounding box.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


beers, Member
Posted: 27 March 2013 09:30 PM   Total Posts: 53   [ # 1 ]

Id use raycasting. If your world geometry is high-poly make sure to use a low-poly ghost world for collisions. Since ghost world geom is never displayed it doesnt need to be merged like your world geometry, which will help with collision culling.

You could write the raycasting code yourself, or use away physics. Id go with away physics since its super fast.




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