Hello. I’m new to away3d.
I created a box with 3dstudio max 2012 with smile bone animation of 30 frames. i installed the latest awd exporter to export the project to an awd file.
using away3d 4.0 i was able to properly load the file and show it on the screen, for some reason i can’t start the animation in that file. i’m really clueless i tried to google with no much luck.
I downloaded the examples and found the Intermediate_CharacterAnimation.as file interesting enough because it loads and uses skeleton based animations.
pastebin of the flex project class at: http://pastebin.com/kZm0jJbQ
I attached the 3dsmax file and the awd file to this post.
I load assets with AssetLibrary.load and I noticed that it loaded 3 assets in the following order:
skeleton, gemoetry and mesh.
when it loads the skeleton asset i save it in a SkeletonAnimator object.
i ignore the gemoetry asset.
when it loads the mesh asset, i give it a position and a scale. add it to the scene and point the camera controller to that object.
as you can see i have the following line commented out:
when i add the SkeletonAnimator object to the animator property of this mesh, it’s not visible anymore on current camera view.
maybe the animation saves different coords for the object and moved it, i really don’t know. as I said i’m really new to away3d (but not to 3d in general). and my code contains probably many mistakes (sorry for that). but i would really like to fix this code to properly show the animation for that object.
in the future what i want to do is to copy skeleton animation from one object and applying it on another object. if any can recommend me of a good online book i can purchase for that information or any other useful resources it would be great!
so thanks a lot for your assistance and hopefully my question is clear enough to understand.
have a nice day!