How to Do tiling in a Texture?

Software: Away3D 4.x

ranoya, Newbie
Posted: 21 January 2013 03:36 PM   Total Posts: 29

Hello to all.

Assuming that all Away3D primitives’ UVMaps are normalized - the values are limited between 0 and 1 - is there a way to do tiling on them without modifying their UVMap, like some 3D modeler software?

The TextureMaterial has a “repeat” Boolean property, but no property for setting the number of repetitions.  I suppose that it could be done by a Fragment Shader, couldn’t it? Is there a Method that does this job?


bart_the_13th, Newbie
Posted: 22 January 2013 05:30 AM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 1 ]

You can use:


ranoya, Newbie
Posted: 22 January 2013 09:18 AM   Total Posts: 29   [ # 2 ]

Thanks bart_the_13th for the answer. I’ve already known this function. But there’s a limitation in using it: this changes the UVMap and affects all the textures based on this map. In many softwares (Maya, 3DMax, Cinema4D, etc…) you can optionally set this tiling properties at the texture level. Then, when a material references many textures (one used in the diffuse map, other to the specular map and other to the refelxion map, for example) you can set the tiling properties individually for each texture. I think it could be done by some shader. My question is if a shader like that already exists, cause I have no expertise on shader programming….


3dNewb, Sr. Member
Posted: 20 March 2013 09:12 AM   Total Posts: 105   [ # 3 ]

Interested in this aswell..



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