The title might be confusing, as I’m a little disoriented in 3D graphics terminology…
I’m writing a custom Filter3D, so it’s a fullscreen post-processing effect. I’m using a depth map, in the same way the DepthOfField filter does. The depth map is passed to my filter as a texture.
So currently the rendering is done in two steps:
- render the depth map, put into depth texture
- render the scene
I want to add one more step before rendering the scene:
- render the depth map, put into depth texture
- render my effect, put into ‘effect texture’
- render the scene
The motivation behind this is that I want to add blur only to my effect, not to the whole scene.
I’m guessing this cannot be achieved without altering View3D class significantly. Has any of you dealed with this kind of issue? What is the least painful way to solve this?