resource limit?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Qbrain, Member
Posted: 13 January 2013 04:37 PM   Total Posts: 92

Hey everyone,

I have a problem which is very difficult to explain in text, but it resolves around an exception which is the following: “[Fault] exception, information=Error: Error #3691: Resourcelimit for this type of resource exceeded.”

So my question basicly was: Is there a resourcelimit in away3d, and if so, can I change it to a higher value?
Also: What does this exaclty mean? Can I only use a certain amount of resources in away3D?

Thanks in advance!



loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 13 January 2013 10:25 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 1 ]

i think you make a infinie loop in your code
is not from away3d


Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 14 January 2013 09:52 AM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 2 ]

Those are the limitations of Context3D. See below for precise numbers.


Qbrain, Member
Posted: 14 January 2013 11:09 AM   Total Posts: 92   [ # 3 ]

Thanks for the help!

I think I found the solution. At first I thought it was because of the ammount of vertices I used, but then I removed all the objects related to the exceptioni and added a very high poly model and it worked. So it wasn’t something with the vertices/polygons..

Then I figured that I use 23 objects which are copies of eachother, created in MAX, all linked to the same material in max. I now embedded the texture of the material in away3d, and created the material myself, then added it to the objects in away3D instead of the export from max, and it now works.

So basicly I think the error is that away3D/context3D does not support up to 16/20(?) linked objects to 1 material if it is an imported file. but only if the material is applied to the objects in away3D itself.

Does this make any sense or am I just lucky?




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