Model Rotation Question

Software: Away3D 4.x

Rhuno, Newbie
Posted: 04 January 2013 09:23 PM   Total Posts: 6

Hey all,

I’ve recently built a little 3d demo using away3d and everything works fine.  However, I used the Perelith Knight asset from the examples and I noticed it seems to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise upon loading into the scene.

As a result, when calling moveForward, the model appears to move to the left instead of forward.  I worked around it for now by just calling moveRight when the user presses forward, but I was curious if anyone knew how to actually fix this.



loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 04 January 2013 11:12 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 1 ]

easy, add model to another mesh or ObjectContainer3D


Rhuno, Newbie
Posted: 05 January 2013 01:35 PM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 2 ]

Thanks, that worked!  Though I’m not sure exactly why that fixes it; are child objects automatically oriented to their parent objects?


loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 05 January 2013 04:44 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 3 ]

child follow parent is logical



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