bitmaptextures larger than 2048x2048 pixels for a virtual tour app

Software: Away3D 4.x

Saariko, Newbie
Posted: 07 December 2012 04:05 PM   Total Posts: 3

hey all

i am a newbie so i hope my question makes sense

i want build a virtual tour site like this:

the image of the sphere feels greatly larger than 2048x2048 pixels in size

would i have to use a library that is not running on the gpu (like papervision, i have read) in order to use really large images or is there a way to get around this with away3d?



GoroMatsumoto, Sr. Member
Posted: 07 December 2012 08:00 PM   Total Posts: 166   [ # 1 ]

Hi Saariko.

2048px is limit size as texture for Context3D.
So, you can’t use away3d’s skybox.

But I think that you can make your “own Skybox”.
It’s like Rubix cube.
It’s constructed with n*n*6 Plane geometries. (n is divide number)

n = 1: 2048 (same with original Skybox)
n = 2: 4096 (2048 * 4)
n = 3: 6144 (2048 * 9) <- Rubix cube
n = 4: 8192 (2048 * 16)
n = ...

This is just an idea. I haven’t tested.
But I think that it must work.




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