Picking / PBPickingCollider.as problem

Software: Away3D 4.x

Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 04 December 2012 01:03 PM   Total Posts: 69

(Using the latest dev branch.)

I’m encountering real bad problems with mouse picking.

1, some of my meshes reside within the bounds of a bigger mesh (big geometry with rugged landscape), but are not occluded by its geometry, i.e. sitting on top of geometry
2, from most angles these smaller objects are not pickable by mouse, most success is from underneath, when the faces of landscape are not visible

- these problems disappear once I move the smaller objects outside the landscape’s bounds

3, no PickingColliderType gives any good results


specifically when using PB-based colliders, compiler complains about PBPickingCollider.as line 72 - “[Fault] exception, information=TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.”.

So I have 2 questions:

1, does one have to be really extra careful about object placement ? Do I have to split my big landscape geometry into smaller pieces to make picking possible ?

2, any way of making the PB collider work ?


Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 05 December 2012 01:37 PM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 1 ]

Bumping with an example of this problem.

Please be cool while it loads, couldn’t be bothered with implementing loading bar, so just be patient. Thanks. wink



Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 07 December 2012 06:14 AM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 2 ]

Bumping with hope.


Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 08 December 2012 06:10 AM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 3 ]

Bumping with fractionally increased amount of hope.


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 08 December 2012 11:57 AM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 4 ]

When I tried 4.1 and getting UV details I needed to add


to get it to work.
Worth a try.


Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 08 December 2012 08:57 PM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 5 ]

Yes I have that in the example code. Doesn’t seem to make much difference tbh in this case. Thanks for the reply though!
I wonder what the direction of the picking ray is, as it seems to first hit objects further away from the camera.
I guess a dev could shed a bit more light on this. Will continue bumping this.


Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 10 December 2012 06:21 AM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 6 ]

Bumping some more.


Rasterizer, Member
Posted: 13 December 2012 02:36 PM   Total Posts: 69   [ # 7 ]

Bumping just for the hell of it.



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