4.0 Gold samples for Flash CS5

Software: Away3D 4.x

marquizzo, Newbie
Posted: 12 October 2012 02:07 AM   Total Posts: 2

Hey, guys. Last year I built a light cube with Away3D v 3.x and Flash CS5.


Now that Away has updated to Gold, I’ve found it very difficult to use with Flash CS5. I downloaded the sample files, and none of the .AS files work because they were written for Flex and FlashBuilder, which I have no experience in. I also took the tutorials, but they were written for the previous version of Away3D, not for Gold.

I know this is a very newbie question for this forum, but where can I find a very basic, very quick tut or sample on how to use Gold in Flash CS5? All I need is to put spheres in a View3D. I’ve spent the last 5 hours trying to figure it out…

Thank you for your time!


marquizzo, Newbie
Posted: 12 October 2012 05:41 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 1 ]

OK, well, I had to spend a total of 8 hours to finally piece together how to use this. I finally got an orange cube to show up, and I’m ecstatic. If you’re a newbie, like I, I suggest you do the following to save yourself a huge headache.

1. I assumed Away3D Gold won’t work with Flash CS5 (It does, but it would be a steep learning curve on my own, since I couldn’t find any tuts).
2. Get FlashDevelop. It’s free, and Flash Builder costs a pretty penny. (I tried the Flash Builder that comes with CS5, and it turns out it doesn’t work because the SDK is outdated?)
3. You may need to install Java 7 (which is actually v1.7 ... confusing) so FlashDevelop compiler works.
4. Follow this tutorial that this awesome man was kind enough to put together http://www.gotoandlearn.com/play.php?id=165 (Tut is actually for Flash Builder, but they both have identical settings. You may need to spend some time searching for the same setting).

Good luck!



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