DAEParser doesn’t contain anything after completing successfuly

Software: Away3D 4.x

Ded Sirijus, Newbie
Posted: 19 September 2012 04:10 PM   Total Posts: 6

The following code traces as “null” for ANY Collada file (Blender, 3D Studio, Sketch-up…)


on both master and dev branches. Materials, geometries, everything null.

Before you continue saying “why don’t you use Loader3D” or “use another format”, let me assure you that I don’t have a choice.

Now, a little more details on the issue…
Using Loader3D, yes, I can succesfully load the file and display it, BUT due to an outstanding bug which results in failure to load if AssetLoaderContext with includeDependencies set to false is provided, I have no other option.

My workaround is to use Loader3D but load the data myself and preparse it to remove dependencies myself, but that might prone to even more failure, since I cannot control Collada file type uploaded.

Am I missing something obvious here?


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 20 September 2012 06:45 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

You should use Loader3D, AssetLoader or AssetLibrary, and their loadData() function to do something like this. If you are having problems with includeDependencies in those cases, please file a bug, and include a file that you can reproduce the issue with.



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