Making a shape from points or paths

Software: Away3D 4.x

Tayyab, Member
Posted: 13 September 2012 06:45 AM   Total Posts: 72

Hi there,

I want to make a shape with the help of paths.

Currently i am making it with the help of LinearExtrude and DelaunayMesh. wall is created with the help of linearExtrude and the top triangle is created with delauneyMesh, but when i try to put a texture on top of with normal map the delauneyMesh turns black.

Can i make a shape with the help of paths and points so that i don’t have to create 2 meshes or objects. the image attached might explain better what i want to achieve.




Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 13 September 2012 11:54 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

first make sure the normals are pointing outwards the surface. use MeshDebugger to draw them. if inverted, invert points vector order.
Then make sure that the light is supposed to hit the surface either by defining the right direction (directionallight) of that the falloff radius in case of pointlight is indeed in range of the surface and has enough strength.
Finally make sure you use valid normalmaps in tangentspace (blueish), and not objectSpace based (rainbow like).


Tayyab, Member
Posted: 13 September 2012 11:59 PM   Total Posts: 72   [ # 2 ]

I am doing whatever you said, except the first point.

first make sure the normals are pointing outwards the surface. use MeshDebugger to draw them. if inverted, invert points vector order.


Tayyab, Member
Posted: 17 September 2012 01:22 AM   Total Posts: 72   [ # 3 ]

I am still stuck at the DelauneyMesh turning to black when i set material.NormalMap .....

what should i do?. I tried using a custom Triangle class but that seems to give a ‘bad input size’ error, but works without the Normal Map.

the same normalmap works with regularPolygona and planes :(




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