Why Away takes longer to compile swf?

Software: Away3D 4.x

ganesh, Member
Posted: 03 September 2012 01:46 PM   Total Posts: 54

Before trying Away 4gold, I tried other engines like, Sandy, Papervision and Alternativa. Among these engines sandy and papervision takes 1-1.5 sec to compile a swf, but as they are outdated (dead may be) I stopped using them, I tried on Alternative latest. Alternativa also takes maximum 2 sec to render scene.

But since when I started Away3d, I see that away takes too much time to compile the swf. away takes 13-15 sec to render a simple scene containing a CubeGeometry with a bitmap material applied.

I have also tried rendering simple blank scene as well as complex scenes from away fp11 examples. Surprisingly whether it is simple or complex it takes same time 13-15 sec.

If I have setup away differently please suggest, what to do.

Pc config
500gb HD
2gb RAM

Xp - sp 3
Flash cs6
Away3d 4 gold


loth, Sr. Member
Posted: 03 September 2012 02:43 PM   Total Posts: 236   [ # 1 ]

Away3D 4.0 is far more advanced than the motor you tell.
Anyway you can disable Warnings Mode to gain a little time.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 03 September 2012 02:49 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 2 ]

Try to compile using cmd line. You will see it has nothing to do with Away…


ganesh, Member
Posted: 04 September 2012 02:30 AM   Total Posts: 54   [ # 3 ]

I don’t know how can I do same thing with cmd line, and I dont want to try it, I was afraid that may be I have setup away wrongly.



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