“Too many Stage3D instances used” error and multiple view3d on Android tablet

Software: Away3D 4.x

niczy, Newbie
Posted: 31 August 2012 05:53 AM   Total Posts: 7

Hi, I am developing a application on Android which has a split-screen feature.

I followed some of the steps inside the following tutorial to enable 2 views on the Desktop Emulator in Flash Builder which works fine


with the following code snippet

var w:Number = 768/2;
var h:Number = 1024/2;
_view1 = new MultipleViewsView_v4(w,h,0,0,myScene);
_view2 = new MultipleViewsView_v4(w,h,w,0,myScene);

However, when I wanted to debug the application on the Android tablet, I got the “Too many Stage3D instances used” error.

I did a search on the forum which gave me the following thread
“Also, can you make sure that you are not creating more than one View3D, which would cause this issue”

May I ask if multiple view3d could be supported on tablets? If so, is there any way to get a split-screen feature working on tablets?

Thank you!


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 31 August 2012 07:22 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

AIR for mobile devices only supports one Stage3D instance, so by default only one view. You could potentially create several views by manually creating a Stage3DProxy (like when one when integrates Starling and Away3D, but without Starling) but that’s probably not what you want because that will only clip the render, and doesn’t move the vanishing point.

We will be improving this in a future version of Away3D, but for now, you will have to try to make do with a single view, unless you can reach the results you want with a shared context.

For a tutorial on sharing contexts between several views/starling instances, see this: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/away3d-starling-interoperation.html


niczy, Newbie
Posted: 31 August 2012 07:59 AM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 2 ]

Thanks Richard for your reply on this issue, will be looking forward to see more features in future versions smile


thatflashdude, Newbie
Posted: 09 October 2012 06:08 PM   Total Posts: 19   [ # 3 ]

i have a similar problem. has anyone gotten this to work? seems the second view never shows up on ipad

my hunch is this is a limitation of the way views are implemented on away3d 4 and not necessarily ipad..after all ‘its all triangles at the end of the day ’ smile



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