can’t get the textures from the awd

Software: Away3D 4.x

tracyjlf, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 04:48 AM   Total Posts: 7

hi, I used the awd 3dsmax exporter.But the awd parser cant get the textures from the *.awd file.And I found all the TextureMaterial became ColorMaterial after exported from the 3dsmax. Help me.please


tracyjlf, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 04:54 AM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 1 ]

And I use 3dsmax 2012 64. the max file is from Tutorials:Away3D and Autodesk 3ds Max workflow.



frogman_pep, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 08:16 AM   Total Posts: 19   [ # 2 ]

tracyjlf, I was having trouble getting the textures onto my models at first, and then I tried checking ‘Include materials’ and ‘Embed textures in AWD file’ selected as well.

Haven’t had any problems with this method, granted I’ve only tried it with two models.

I’ll test it on the Max workflow example tomorrow if I haven’t heard back.



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 30 August 2012 09:39 AM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 3 ]

tracyjlf: You seem to be certain that the AWD file actually includes textures? Are you sure that they get exported at all? The way you have phrased your question makes it sound like the error must be in the parser, but I just want to know whether it could also be in the exporter, i.e. that the file doesn’t include any textures at all for the parser to find.

Please zip up the file and attach it to this thread if you are unsure. You have to zip it or the attachment won’t work.



tracyjlf, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 12:45 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 4 ]

thx, frogman_pep. Yes, I’ve tried your advise.And also checked other selections on the export panel.But still cant get the texture properly in my demo.



tracyjlf, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 01:03 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 5 ]

Richard,thx for your reply. My *.max file is downloaded from
I didn’t mean the parser has any error.I think the error should in the exporter too.



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 30 August 2012 01:09 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 6 ]

Can you upload the AWD file then?



tracyjlf, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 01:27 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 7 ]

When I debug my demo, in the function parseMaterial of I found all the Material type became type 1.

var name String;
type uint;
props AWDProperties;
mat DefaultMaterialBase;
attributes Object;
finalize Boolean;
num_methods uint;
methods_parsed uint;
name parseVarStr();
type _body.readUnsignedByte();
num_methods _body.readUnsignedByte(); 

which I think it should be type 2(TextureMaterial);
And I think the exporter make the TextureMaterial become a ColorMaterial
Here is my *.awd file.


File Attachments  (File Size: 533KB - Downloads: 223)

tracyjlf, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 01:34 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 8 ]

I checked force relative texture path, copy texture to output directory.on the output panel. everything is ok but the texture file just not copy to the right path.



Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 30 August 2012 01:38 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 9 ]

Are you using the exact max file from the tutorial, or are you modifying it in any way?



tracyjlf, Newbie
Posted: 30 August 2012 02:51 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 10 ]

yes , Richard. I just downloaded a new one, still the same problem.




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