3D Model Types and the MaterialLibrary

Software: Away3D 4.x

EFFalcon, Jr. Member
Posted: 25 July 2011 01:06 AM   Total Posts: 44

Hey guys,

I’m trying to migrate an existing project from Papervision3D to the flash 11 beta branch of away3d, now most of it is reasonably straight forward however the choice of 3d model format seems to be limiting my interaction with the objects.

previously i used collada and it had the features required.

My Models arn’t overly complicated, typically a hand full of low poly meshes, with simple materials applied to them.
no animation etc.

The MaterialLibrary seems to be the key part i need to use, now i managed to get that working, however depending on the format of file i use, the materials are assigned differently.

eg. Importing an OBJ File, i got Material names as:
being “Original Material Name”~“obj ID”

3DS, material names were basically the mesh names.
the original material names were gone.

I Don’t think AWD1 contains the required level of detail to access the original material names?

unsure on MD2/MD5?

Any recommendations on which format would be worth doing more investigation on?


Richard Olsson, Administrator
Posted: 27 July 2011 02:52 PM   Total Posts: 1192   [ # 1 ]

Don’t rely too heavily on the MaterialLibrary at this point, as it is likely to change in the near future. For your use case, I would either assign materials as the meshes are parsed (by listening for MESH_COMPLETE on the loader) or use the AssetLibrary to load the meshes and then assign materials by retrieving the meshes from the AssetLibrary using getAsset().


EFFalcon, Jr. Member
Posted: 27 July 2011 10:42 PM   Total Posts: 44   [ # 2 ]

Thanks richard, thats what i’ve done now.
All attemps to clean up the material library just made things break, so i went back to applying directly to meshes, seems to have fixed my current issue.

enjoying the activity around here at the moment, things are getting exciting!



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