Away3D 4 Videomaterial & Netstream

Software: Away3D 4.x

ixor3d, Newbie
Posted: 18 January 2012 01:19 PM   Total Posts: 3

Hi all,
I’ve been using the Away3D Lite engine for quite some time now and I’m trying to update to the Away3D 4 library.

I use the video material a lot in conjunction with netstreams (streaming not local).

I can’t seem to get the netstream to play in a video material.
I’ve changed most of the SimpleVideoPlayer to support netstreams but still can’t get the material to display on the 3d object.

I’ve omitted some height width code (since i’m not using it).
Is there something I’m missing? (I’ve already enabled the video sample access on the streaming server).

Stupid mistake on my part….


parele, Jr. Member
Posted: 20 August 2012 06:33 PM   Total Posts: 43   [ # 1 ]

im having the same problem, what was your solution?



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