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Keywords: HugoW
Total Results: 7
How to achieve the 3D pop-up book flipping effect?
Total posts 5 Total views 3762

Posted: 06-25-2014 09:36 AM   Author: jennifer   Forum: Away3D Support

The sprite sheets tutorial
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Total posts 15 Total views 6166

Posted: 03-07-2014 08:19 PM   Author: Roger Crist   Forum: Away3D Support

Getting Away3d to work with Starling SpriteSheet
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Total posts 5 Total views 2745

Posted: 12-17-2013 09:53 PM   Author: Rafael   Forum: Away3D Support

Z-rendering order wrong after camera moved
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Total posts 4 Total views 2221

Posted: 06-25-2013 01:05 PM   Author: HugoW   Forum: Away3D Support

Create 3DS/OBJ Object for AWAY3D Workflow
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Total posts 4 Total views 1907

Posted: 05-16-2013 08:10 AM   Author: Fabrice Closier   Forum: Away3D Support

MouseEvent3D Click Event for all Meshs in ObjectContainer3D
Total posts 1 Total views 1007

Posted: 05-09-2013 07:30 AM   Author: HugoW   Forum: Community Discussions

Any Solution for Passing By Reference ?
Total posts 1 Total views 619

Posted: 05-08-2013 09:47 AM   Author: HugoW   Forum: Away3D Support



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