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Keywords: sentoplene
Total Results: 13
HeightMapModifier gone in 4.0
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Total posts 7 Total views 2430

Posted: 07-24-2014 11:30 PM   Author: drbii   Forum: Away3D Support

Scaling issue only when scaling browser vertically.
Total posts 3 Total views 1456

Posted: 08-29-2013 11:48 AM   Author: theMightyAtom   Forum: Away3D Support

Setting Orientation of a plane alongside a normal?
Total posts 3 Total views 1757

Posted: 07-31-2013 05:27 PM   Author: beers   Forum: Away3D Support

Exported awd shows default material when loaded.
Total posts 1 Total views 716

Posted: 07-30-2013 08:58 AM   Author: sentoplene   Forum: Away3D Support

Drag3D on local XY plane?
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Total posts 2 Total views 1126

Posted: 07-24-2013 02:41 PM   Author: sentoplene   Forum: Away3D Support

After Weld(); the same lighting as before...
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Total posts 3 Total views 1174

Posted: 07-19-2013 02:17 PM   Author: sentoplene   Forum: Away3D Support

Gold 4.1 - How do we update vertices?
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Total posts 5 Total views 1533

Posted: 07-18-2013 11:44 AM   Author: 80prozent   Forum: Away3D Support

Can I get the ’explode.apply’ effect also with lighting/shading/materials?
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Total posts 3 Total views 1077

Posted: 07-18-2013 09:09 AM   Author: sentoplene   Forum: Away3D Support

Smoothing a mesh?
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Total posts 3 Total views 1373

Posted: 07-18-2013 09:06 AM   Author: sentoplene   Forum: Away3D Support

’Simple’ Drag3D problem?
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Total posts 2 Total views 1164

Posted: 07-10-2013 02:05 PM   Author: sentoplene   Forum: Away3D Support

Sorry, preview already posted the thread [double]
Total posts 1 Total views 710

Posted: 07-10-2013 01:38 PM   Author: sentoplene   Forum: Away3D Support



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