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Keywords: andreahmed
Total Results: 22
Resizing a Stage3dProxy not working
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Total posts 7 Total views 2581

Posted: 05-15-2014 03:35 PM   Author: teonicel   Forum: Away3D Support

Changing material or texture of a Loader3D
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Total posts 3 Total views 1150

Posted: 03-31-2014 08:40 PM   Author: Mr Margaret Scratcher   Forum: Away3D Support

Plane and a Mesh Intersection
Total posts 1 Total views 727

Posted: 11-11-2013 04:30 PM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

Adding custom shader or effect to linesegments
Total posts 1 Total views 663

Posted: 10-28-2013 10:56 AM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

Sharing context fails
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Total posts 6 Total views 1732

Posted: 10-21-2013 03:28 PM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

Managing triangles in Mesh.
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Total posts 9 Total views 2484

Posted: 10-21-2013 02:59 PM   Author: GoroMatsumoto   Forum: Away3D Support

Sharing my BLUR Method
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Total posts 6 Total views 2424

Posted: 10-18-2013 10:07 AM   Author: GoroMatsumoto   Forum: Away3D Support

Writing a custom Material Method
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Total posts 3 Total views 1296

Posted: 10-16-2013 03:48 PM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

Optimizing texture rendering
Total posts 2 Total views 763

Posted: 10-15-2013 02:55 PM   Author: nehvaleem   Forum: Away3D Support

Modifying VBlur Class
Total posts 1 Total views 579

Posted: 10-15-2013 08:43 AM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

Loading Multiple materials from a 3DS or .OBJ
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Total posts 4 Total views 1527

Posted: 10-14-2013 01:01 PM   Author: Fabrice Closier   Forum: Away3D Support

Motion blur
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Total posts 25 Total views 7891

Posted: 10-10-2013 01:21 PM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

Motion Blur Shader
Total posts 1 Total views 1923

Posted: 10-10-2013 08:59 AM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

ObjectContainer3D doesn’t fire Events
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Total posts 6 Total views 1777

Posted: 10-08-2013 08:24 AM   Author: SharpEdge   Forum: Away3D Support

Adding different materials to one cylinder
Total posts 1 Total views 556

Posted: 10-02-2013 12:03 PM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

different material on subgeometry?
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Total posts 3 Total views 1125

Posted: 10-01-2013 10:35 AM   Author: koblongata   Forum: Away3D Support

putting multi-bitmapdata into one texture
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Total posts 17 Total views 5676

Posted: 09-30-2013 06:10 PM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

drawing different texutres on a cylinder
Total posts 1 Total views 601

Posted: 09-27-2013 11:25 AM   Author: andreahmed   Forum: Away3D Support

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