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Keywords: dj_ouf
Total Results: 5
Removing faces from a cube
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Total posts 4 Total views 1589

Posted: 02-22-2014 06:43 PM   Author: Fabrice Closier   Forum: Away3D Support

MD2 animation - play once?
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Total posts 4 Total views 1293

Posted: 02-20-2014 02:52 AM   Author: dj_ouf   Forum: Away3D Support

VertexAnimator : how to split one animation in many ?
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Total posts 3 Total views 988

Posted: 02-19-2014 06:49 PM   Author: dj_ouf   Forum: Away3D Support

PointLight cancelled under a plane
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Total posts 2 Total views 629

Posted: 02-12-2014 07:24 PM   Author: dj_ouf   Forum: Away3D Support

What became SubGeometry.updateIndexData in the latest version ?
Total posts 1 Total views 604

Posted: 02-12-2014 05:21 PM   Author: dj_ouf   Forum: Away3D Support



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