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Keywords: james_van
Total Results: 5
cinema 4d away 3d plugin help me
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Total posts 4 Total views 1572

Posted: 02-13-2014 07:04 PM   Author: james_van   Forum: Away3D Support

outline on animated mesh
Total posts 1 Total views 582

Posted: 02-13-2014 07:02 PM   Author: james_van   Forum: Away3D Support

Outline a selected mesh with a 2d graphics
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Total posts 3 Total views 1025

Posted: 02-05-2014 08:50 AM   Author: codedemen   Forum: Away3D Support

Cinema 4D to Away 3D via Away Builder
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Total posts 6 Total views 2697

Posted: 01-31-2014 04:59 PM   Author: paulsouthport   Forum: Away3D Support

outlinemethod and animators
Total posts 1 Total views 533

Posted: 01-30-2014 02:52 PM   Author: james_van   Forum: Away3D Support



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