Classpublic class SpriteSheetHelper
InheritanceSpriteSheetHelper Inheritance Object

SpriteSheetHelper, a class to ease sprite sheet animation data generation

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
generateFromMovieClip(sourceMC:MovieClip, cols:uint, rows:uint, width:uint, height:uint, transparent:Boolean = false, backgroundColor:uint = 0):Vector.<Texture2DBase>
Generates and returns one or more "sprite sheets" BitmapTexture from a given movieClip
generateSpriteSheetClipNode(animID:String, cols:uint, rows:uint, mapCount:uint = 1, from:uint = 0, to:uint = 0):SpriteSheetClipNode
Returns a SpriteSheetClipNode to pass to animator from animation id , cols and rows.
Constructor Detail
public function SpriteSheetHelper()

Method Detail
public function generateFromMovieClip(sourceMC:MovieClip, cols:uint, rows:uint, width:uint, height:uint, transparent:Boolean = false, backgroundColor:uint = 0):Vector.<Texture2DBase>

Generates and returns one or more "sprite sheets" BitmapTexture from a given movieClip


sourceMC:MovieClip — MovieClip: A movieclip with timeline animation
cols:uint — uint: Howmany cells along the u axis.
rows:uint — uint: Howmany cells along the v axis.
width:uint — uint: The result bitmapData(s) width.
height:uint — uint: The result bitmapData(s) height.
transparent:Boolean (default = false) — Boolean: if the bitmapData(s) must be transparent.
backgroundColor:uint (default = 0) — uint: the bitmapData(s) background color if not transparent.

Vector.<Texture2DBase> — Vector.<Texture2DBase> The generated Texture2DBase vector for the SpriteSheetMaterial.
public function generateSpriteSheetClipNode(animID:String, cols:uint, rows:uint, mapCount:uint = 1, from:uint = 0, to:uint = 0):SpriteSheetClipNode

Returns a SpriteSheetClipNode to pass to animator from animation id , cols and rows.


animID:String — String:The name of the animation
cols:uint — uint: Howmany cells along the u axis.
rows:uint — uint: Howmany cells along the v axis.
mapCount:uint (default = 1) — uint: If the same animation is spread over more bitmapDatas. Howmany bimapDatas. Default is 1.
from:uint (default = 0) — uint: The offset start if the animation first frame isn't in first cell top left on the map. zero based. Default is 0.
to:uint (default = 0) — uint: The last cell if the animation last frame cell isn't located down right on the map. zero based. Default is 0.

SpriteSheetClipNode — SpriteSheetClipNode SpriteSheetClipNode: The SpriteSheetClipNode filled with the data